What is Brightkite?

16, April 2008

What is Brightkite?

Location-based social networking

Discover who visits your favorite places. Join the community in real time.
Track your friends

See where your friends are and what they’re up to, in real time.
Meet people around you

Meet real world friends. Reveal your location, befriend, and chat with people around you.

We Heart It is a social bookmarking tool for images and videos.
We see many great images on blogs and websites around, and now you can put everything you saw and liked on the same page to look again whenever you want.

How it works

Just drag and drop the image below on your bookmarks bar, or right click it and bookmark it, then go explore the web.

Ever had an idea? One you were so excited about you wondered who else might find it interesting and how you might be related to each other?

That desire to follow ideas around the world and meet like-minded friends of friends was the catalyst for Fyreball.

Starting out as a global game of pass-it-on, Fyreball evolved into a rich, playful alternative to email and instant messaging; it’s the cushiest way to put together the richest blog page imaginable and blast it to some or all of your friends in seconds.

TXTmob lets you quickly and easily share txt messages with friends, comrades, and total strangers. The format is similar to an email b-board system. You can sign up to send and receive messages from various groups, which are organized around a range of different topics.

Concertattack – sharing your concert reviews, pictures and videos

ConcertAttack.com is the number one online community for sharing your concert reviews, pictures and videos. Think Myspace/FaceBook meets YouTube, flickr and Fandango.com but, focused solely on concerts.

You can
– Share your concert pictures, videos and reviews that can be left in both video and text formats.
– Recommend artists to see in concert.
– Use widgets to place your concert content on other profiles and web sites.
– For Artists, create video tour journals for your concerts
– Share your concerts with your friends.
– Set reminders for the concerts you are attending.
– Make new friends and fans.

via Pete Cashmore

PicturePush  is a #photo and #video community built on the philosophy that you can upload everything. And free

PicturePush is a photo and video hosting service. It is built on the philosophy that you can upload everything you have in the highest quality possible and worry about what to show to whom later. To do so we offer several tools to ease the upload of large batches of photos. Large sets of photos can be browsed smoothly without paging. Photos can be rotated, cropped and resized online when needed. There are no restrictions on space and bandwidth.

Photos do not mean anything until they are shared, therefore PicturePush offers options to choose who to share your pictures with. Photos and videos can be shared with friends or with everyone. Furthermore PicturePush allows you to tag, describe and categorize your photos so others can find them as well.