What is Buddyping ?

14, April 2008

Buddyping is a whole new way of keeping in touch with people using your mobile.

It enables you to pinpoint the location of your mates and invite them to join you if they are nearby.

You can share photos and video clips and upload them direct to your profile from your mobile for free

browzmi – Chat and surf the web together with your friends

Ever had an idea? One you were so excited about you wondered who else might find it interesting and how you might be related to each other?

That desire to follow ideas around the world and meet like-minded friends of friends was the catalyst for Fyreball.

Starting out as a global game of pass-it-on, Fyreball evolved into a rich, playful alternative to email and instant messaging; it’s the cushiest way to put together the richest blog page imaginable and blast it to some or all of your friends in seconds.

RecommendBox is the place to share recommendations with your friends

You can make recommendations

Popular categories include

  • Books
  • Clothing
  • Movies
  • Places