Leidig, leidig aber wahr. Das mobile Dasein gewinnt an Presenz und ich nutze derzeit keinen mobilen Internetzugang.

Wie ich gerade am gestrigem Tage gelesen hatte, macht Vodafone mehr Gewinn via Datentransfaer als mit den herkoemmlich bekannten SMS .

Vielleicht springe ich die naechsten Tage im Dreieck und zaehle mich dazu, denn : Bei macnotes.de gibt es aktuell ein Gewinnspiel bei dem man unter anderem eine iPhone gewinnen kann.

Die Regeln sind einfach:

  • Unter allen ankommenden Trackbacks und Tweetbacks auf diesen Eintrag verlosen wir die Preise.
  • Kommentare werden nicht gezählt, Ausnahmen: manuelle Trackbacks auf die eigenen Posts/Tweets. Wir checken die Spamfilter regelmäßig.
  • Am Valentinstag (14.2.2009, 12.00 MEZ) ist Trackbackschluss, anschließend schreiten wir zur Preisvergabe.
  • Macnotes-Redakteure sind vom Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen.

Man muss lediglich seine Liebe zu selbigen “offenbaren”.

Nun ja, ich LIEBE DAS iPhone, da es in meinem schon fast ans Peinliche reichende Austesten einiger Handy Endgeraete der Einaeugige ist . Somit der Koenig unter den Blinden, denn das Mobile Dasein ist bisweilen noch recht teuer in seiner Nutzung.

Der Besitz eines iPhone`s wuerde diese Preisstrukturierung imens kaschieren  🙂

Save Money, Spend Wisely and Reach Your Goals – Wesabe

HotWords.com - What is the World Searching for?

what is bidvertiser ?

21, Mai 2008


Create and place your text ads on thousands of relevant websites

Run your ad on our pay per click advertising network
and start receiving new targeted and easy-to-convert
prospects in less than 10 minutes:

1. Browse our categorized directory of websites
2. Select the appropriate sites for your business
3. Set your desired geographic targeting
4. Create your text-ad
5. Set budget and capping
6. Your ad is up and running

Launch Your Own Money-Making Content Website With SubHub It’s Easy, Fun and Affordable!

Publish and Make Money From Your Content via Membership / Subscriptions, Advertising and eCommerce

BeamMe Info is to give Internet users the convenience of being able to send useful information Enhance your user experience with a ‚Send to Mobile‘ button that sends website content you specify to any mobile via SMS

what is VideoClix #video

30, April 2008

VideoClix has pioneered the clickable video space since 1998.

All objects in VideoClix content are clickable, providing a next generation interactive video platform with a robust monetization solution for content providers, and an effective non-intrusive media vehicle for advertisers.

The company caters to top producers and advertisers with its end-to-end hypervideo solution that includes: authoring, content delivery network, HD quality player, metrics, syndication, social media and standard IAB display ads. VideoClix helps monetize content through the VideoClix Ad Delivery Network while enabling content providers to bring their own advertisers, sponsors and brand integration deals to the table.

VideoClix ensures a positive viewing experience, creating a far greater impact than traditional online advertising.

The Player: With VideoClix there is nothing standing between viewers and their video. The VideoClix player provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface with seamless interactivity and complete user control.

Interactive Hypervideo

  • Click on anything within the video to find out more!

High Quality Content

  • High quality content from the best sources without commercial interruption.

Zero Intrusive Ads

  • No Annoying Prerolls. No Intrusive Ads. Just sit back,
    watch, click and enjoy!

Google Adsense CSV file (direct download)

visualAdsense does not ask you for Google Adsense login data, but CSV file report you can download from Google Adsense (or with this direct download, loggin in your Adsense account).

Information saved in that CSV file is just dates, channels, impressions, clicks, eCPM and earnings, not Adsense login data.

visualAdsense uses this data to create more understable and visual reports, especially when there’s many channels in a long period. CSV file will be uploaded to create graphs and it’s deleted after you don’t create reports anymore.

After you have downloaded CSV file from your Google Adsense account, you can check there’s no Adsense login data, but just data which visualAdsense you will analize … more visually 🙂

Pikistore is the first t-shirt store creation site

that lets you create your own real independent site, not just a site that is part of a larger portal with no real control.

What do we mean by this?

Well, have a little look around and try to find another company that delivers you a complete store, completely customizable, visibly independent of the parent company (Pikistore) and free? Hmm, keep looking, its pretty hard to find one isn’t it?

There has been a definite gap in the market for people wanting to sell merchandise (which includes t-shirts, hats, mugs bags and more), but not want to be grouped into part of a larger portal, people that want their own integrated website with control. Control over your design, products, mark-up, statistics and more, yet not have to fulfil the order, just worry about making money!

PIKISTORE is fast becoming the premier solution for everyone wishing to sell t-shirts online

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social VIBE beta ?

12, April 2008

SOCIALVIBE – within social networks and allows you to get sponsored by your favorite brands in a way that is entertaining and rewarding. In return for being sponsored, brands reward you with the goods you want and by supporting the causes that matter to you.