Take a look

7, August 2012


Restyle Me ?

28, Mai 2008

RestyleMe is a style advice website that allows people to rate other people’s styles. You vote on a style by telling them the one thing about their style to change or keep (hair, clothing, etc.).

– facebook app

What’s Slingpage?

Slingpage is a fun, simple way to discover new stuff and share it with your friends.

It’s Slinging.

There are a lot of good services for bookmark-ing links out there, but they all fall short when it comes to sharing. Sure, you can make lists of things you like, but there’s no real interaction with your friends.

Slingpage makes the leap from old-fashioned bookmarking to real-time social sharing. With Slingpage, you can instantly send any page you’re visiting directly to your friends and followers, with a single click, right from your browser. It’s a faster, funner way of sharing, We call it Slinging.

what is HowFlow ?

28, Mai 2008

HowFlow is a community-based tricks and howtos popularity website. It combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control.

what is theworlt

28, Mai 2008

What is theworlt ?

  • See who and where is active :O
  • Find out and vote for interesting personalities 😀
  • Present and describe yourself 😉
  • Meet new and interesting people 🙂
  • Keep in touch with your friends
Live Younger, Better

You’ve come to the best place to track, improve and discuss your healthy lifestyle.

  • Vitality Compass: find out how long you’ll live given your current habits.
  • The Power9: the nine common denominators that all of the world’s longevity all-stars share.
  • Blogs: Daily, practical tips and up-to-the-minute research on health and aging.
  • Community: share what you know, connect with others, enhance our discussion.

What is Sweetter 2.0?

27, Mai 2008

What is Sweetter 2.0?

Sweetter is a microblogging service, where you can write what you’re doing, what you’re thinking, you can write everything you want, but other people will vote your post, and this will make that your karma go up or down.

Sweetter is not Twitter, less is more. In Sweetter you can post what are you doing, in less than 140 characters. But you have, karma, TODO’s, and a lot of things that twitter doesn’t have, and it’s free software, you can get the code, and setup a sweetter at home, for you and your friends.

What is GigPark?

GigPark is the easiest way to discover the trusted handyman, accountant and everyone else your friends use.
How does it work?

Need a real estate agent, plumber or lawyer? Check out recommendations from your friends and the friends of your friends. Can’t find one? Ask your friends through GigPark.

In turn, you can share your own recommendations, hooking your friends up with good service and sending new clients to your favorite service people.
Why should I use GigPark?

Friends, not strangers. What makes GigPark different is that you have a relationship with the people making recommendations – they are your friends or the friends of your friends, not weirdo strangers who may be plugging their own businesses.

It’s flexible. GigPark requires as much effort as you want to put in. You can use GigPark as an easy way to see who your friends recommend, or you can actively recommend to friends, comment on their recommendations, and ask them for specific things.

It’s easy to get started. There’s nothing to install and we offer a bunch of tools to find your friends already using GigPark so you can start sharing recommendations right away.

what is Stumpedia ?

23, Mai 2008

Stumpedia is a social search engine that relies on human participation to index, organize, and review the world wide web. 

Stumpedia does not depend on bots, algorithms, or company insiders to make decisions on the relevance and ranking of search results.
We enable users around the world to share their knowledge and interests with one another and provide an alternative to traditional search.  Users are encouraged to create custom content pages for any possible search term in the world and submit links that will help people find relevant results and answers to their search requests.  Links to social bookmarks, social profiles, blogs, new stories, authoriative articles, videos, images, and web pages are welcomed.

Tell it on Tokoni

23, Mai 2008

Tell it on Tokoni

Life is full of Stories. Tell Yours.

Get Started