New ‚Badges‘ Make it Easy to Display Yahoo Pipes on Your Site

– Yahoo has unveiled a new way of using the company’s Pipes mashup creator. Badges, as the new tool is known, allow less technically inclined users to easily embed the results of a Yahoo Pipe into their own website.

– The new Badges feature aims to take the pain out of displaying Pipes by offering simple one-click ways to integrate your favorite Pipes into your own site.

– There are five types of badges, single-click integration is available for Blogger, Typepad, WordPress and iGoogle pages and then there’s also a generic embed code you can cut-and-paste into any page.

pipes – Twitter Digest

27, März 2008

Twitter Digest 

  • This Pipe generates a daily digest of Twitter updates from the prior day for posting into Tumblr. It is based on an RSS feed from Twitter that includes your last 20 updates, so if you posted more than 20 updates yesterday, the digest may be incomplete. Enter your Twitter user name and the difference in hours between GMT and your local timezone (required to determine which posts occurred yesterday). The feed will update nightly with a summary of your Twitter activity from yesterday. Updates are listed in chronological order.